Copy that talks back.

Lissa M. Cowan
As a writer and communications professional, I’ve had the tremendous opportunity to work on advertising and outreach
campaigns that touch people's lives for the better. Over the years, I’ve helped leaders and influencers leave their impact
by providing them with clear communication. Get in touch today so we can take your organization to the next level.
I unearth powerful stories
for the greatest impact.

About Me
Unearthing powerful stories is my strength.
Are you tired of worn-out copy that engages nobody? I help people craft their best, most engaging stories about themselves and their organizations. My work focuses on creating communications strategies and copywriting solutions for my clients to help them better connect to their audiences, and do more good in the world.
I work with businesses, companies, and charitable organizations to make sense of a client's ideas so her audiences see and hear a story that connects to their experience, vision, and desires.
Whether you’re launching a new product or service, a website, writing an e-book, speech, or need some guidance to create powerful messaging, I’ll help you whip your words into shape so you attract your ideal customers and create a lasting brand presence.
If you’re looking for help with copy for your website, communications plan, strategy or marketing campaign, but aren’t sure which direction to take, feel free to schedule an initial consultation.
Strategic Collaborations
Heavy duty aluminum bridges and other structures for global markets.
"Je vous félicites mesdames!
Vous avez fait un Heureux avec votre excellent travail! 10/10
Je vous confirme que nous pourrons mettre de l'avant le projet Site Web quand vous serez disposées....!"
-Alexandre de la Chevrotière,
"Congratulations, ladies!
You've made me happy with your excellent [copywriting and design] work! 10/10! I confirm you that we will be able to finalize the Website project when you are ready...."
-Alexandre de la Chevrotière,
Sports and recreational equipment distributor for schools, daycare centres, cities and municipalities, and more.
Nous avons engagé Lissa pour un projet de traduction de longue haleine et pour la traduction de nos infolettres et elle a toujours respecté les échéanciers et a fait preuve d'un grand professionnalisme et enthousiasme. De plus, elle a un grand souci du détail. Je la recommande sans hésiter ! - Marie Helene M., Marketing Director
(We hired Lissa for a long-term translation project and for the translation of our newsletters. She always respected deadlines and showed great professionalism and enthusiasm. In addition, she has a great attention to detail. I recommend her without hesitation! -Marie Helene M., Marketing Director)

Over 65 years of bringing quality and craftsmanship to the housewares category along with various B to B segments.
Lissa is both creative and highly skilled with the ability to write about absolutely anything with excellence! Lissa is a fantastic proofreader as well and a pleasure
to work with.
- Kimberly Calder, Marketing Director + Brand Specialist